...continued from part 1
Please refer to these related posts as well.
There is one more occurrence that really bothered me and it's too much of a coincidence to ignore. This happened shortly after our store had a new manager. This also happened on my first day back from my days off and it happened the very next day. I asked a woman for a photoshoot of her shoes at a shoe store - not at the one that the spin instructor works at. This woman didn't know about my hobby at the time. People are going to talk if they come across something different during the course of the day. I'm going to hold this thought for a minute and tell you why I think this indirectly led to yet another setup.
The next day, a young girl, similarly aged as the pineapple gal, approached me letting me know that she thinks she's asking a stupid question. She wanted to know how to tell when a mango is ripe. Her exaggerated friendly approach put me on guard but my suspicions haven't been confirmed yet and I wasn't quite sure what her intentions are...but my gut is already telling me something. I kept the dialog short and simple and to the point and wanted to get back to work once my answer served its purpose but here's the trippy part. She continued on the dialog making reference to the pineapple that she didn't have any intentions of buying. I promptly cut the dialogue short and let her be on her way out of the department and didn't see any obvious ambition from her to buy anything else. WTF!! What was that she tried making reference to? A pineapple, the same item that first gal used to set me up with?? My wheels are spinning.
Back to the clerk and her shoes. She used to be co-workers with a woman who has since moved on to another shoe store where the spin instructor works at. The woman tells her former co-worker and the co-worker tells the spin instructor. *ding-ding-ding-ding!!* Can you guys connect the dots now? I don't even need to finish off this thought. I'll let you guys complete the math equation but I will say this. Maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong but you have to know that this occurrence is too timely to be just a mere coincidence.
This is the reason why I have to call these people out b/c if they do something this bad once, they'll do it again and if they can do it to one person, they can do it to another. If anybody knows anything, please let me know.
To the person I took shoe pics of in this particular section of this article, I left you my business card in your store and told you my situation involved a death threat but you reacted non-challantly. I'm hoping you're not siding with that spin instructor but I can't help to think you know something about my situation. You know I'm talking about you even w/o posting your shoe pics on my blog.
I'm sure there are more suspicious occurrences but they're not coming to mind right now. I want to take you back to the gym situation. Shortly after my suspension, I asked the gym if I could get my money back for the unused portion of my membership. I told mgmt. I wanted to move on emotionally. After several weeks of unreturned calls and blank promises, I've finally firmed up eliciting this response from the manager:
Please refer to these related posts as well.
An Obvious Setup Attempt:
There is one more occurrence that really bothered me and it's too much of a coincidence to ignore. This happened shortly after our store had a new manager. This also happened on my first day back from my days off and it happened the very next day. I asked a woman for a photoshoot of her shoes at a shoe store - not at the one that the spin instructor works at. This woman didn't know about my hobby at the time. People are going to talk if they come across something different during the course of the day. I'm going to hold this thought for a minute and tell you why I think this indirectly led to yet another setup.
The next day, a young girl, similarly aged as the pineapple gal, approached me letting me know that she thinks she's asking a stupid question. She wanted to know how to tell when a mango is ripe. Her exaggerated friendly approach put me on guard but my suspicions haven't been confirmed yet and I wasn't quite sure what her intentions are...but my gut is already telling me something. I kept the dialog short and simple and to the point and wanted to get back to work once my answer served its purpose but here's the trippy part. She continued on the dialog making reference to the pineapple that she didn't have any intentions of buying. I promptly cut the dialogue short and let her be on her way out of the department and didn't see any obvious ambition from her to buy anything else. WTF!! What was that she tried making reference to? A pineapple, the same item that first gal used to set me up with?? My wheels are spinning.
Back to the clerk and her shoes. She used to be co-workers with a woman who has since moved on to another shoe store where the spin instructor works at. The woman tells her former co-worker and the co-worker tells the spin instructor. *ding-ding-ding-ding!!* Can you guys connect the dots now? I don't even need to finish off this thought. I'll let you guys complete the math equation but I will say this. Maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong but you have to know that this occurrence is too timely to be just a mere coincidence.
This is the reason why I have to call these people out b/c if they do something this bad once, they'll do it again and if they can do it to one person, they can do it to another. If anybody knows anything, please let me know.
To the person I took shoe pics of in this particular section of this article, I left you my business card in your store and told you my situation involved a death threat but you reacted non-challantly. I'm hoping you're not siding with that spin instructor but I can't help to think you know something about my situation. You know I'm talking about you even w/o posting your shoe pics on my blog.
Gym Wants Me Out but Not Really...:
I'm sure there are more suspicious occurrences but they're not coming to mind right now. I want to take you back to the gym situation. Shortly after my suspension, I asked the gym if I could get my money back for the unused portion of my membership. I told mgmt. I wanted to move on emotionally. After several weeks of unreturned calls and blank promises, I've finally firmed up eliciting this response from the manager:
Message body
David, said he will send your cheque as soon as we
can. David said he is still dealing with ladies that are still threatening
to leave the club , due to this . Once he has the damage control done he will
send the cheque as soon as he has time.
Thanks Jane .
you kidding me?? You've already removed me from the gym and you want
to hold me accountable for the women who voluntarily consented to my
request? She keeps speaking on behalf of Dave and Dave only spoken to
me when I catch him off-guard over the phone. Jane keeps saying that
Dave doesn't have time on several occasions to write me a cheque to
refund me the remaining portion of my membership. I couldn't bear the
weight of the emotional distraught that had been bestowed unto me so I
ended up cosuming unnecessary gas to drive from one end of town to the
other just to get to my bank. It took me 2 weeks but I got my money
credited back into my account through a pre-authorized debit dispute.
My final thoughts:
story is over only for these culprits but there is an accomplice
involved so stay tuned. I will talk about her in a future posting.
After recollecting everything that has transpired, including get other
people's analysis of my situation, it's safe to say this. The spin
instructor thinks my hobby is interfering with her ulterior motive.
Someone suggested that she got jealous of the attention I was drawing
away from her. Since I started naming specific people I did photo
shoots of, C.K. must've panicked b/c had I stayed a member I would've
asked around and if they say that they've never complained that would
make C.K. look very bad.
to the C.K. incident when Jane and I had a good relationship with me,
she told me the gym isn't doing very well (financially). Therefore,
should it surprise you that the gym wouldn't refund me the unused
portion of my membership? I can't believe how foolish they are. The
group as a whole knew that they've done something to me they're not
supposed to. I wanted to move on and yet, they let me linger around
them emotionally?? That's where one suspicion led to another, which led
to me talk to more people, which ultimately helped me realize that I'm
not insane. Because of their stupidity, I'm able to find out most of
the truth. If I did something detrimental to a person undeservingly, I
would do everything to detract that person's attention away from me.
Whether you agree with me on my analysis of this gym-work situation or not, ones things for certain. All these claims I'm making are not itchy-trigger-finger based.
Whether you agree with me on my analysis of this gym-work situation or not, ones things for certain. All these claims I'm making are not itchy-trigger-finger based.
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