Prayag Verma:
He is excellent at helping people execute the layout of the blog, especially with CSS coding. He is very quick to answer and he is a very nice guy. What makes him stand out is that he doesn't assume you know what he knows. He articulates his instructions by being thorough in his explanatory approach. He provides the coding and all I have to do is to provide the creativity.
Chuck Croll:
A.k.a. nitecruzr, no one is as dedicated to helping bloggers solve problems like him. He answers everyone's problems almost as quickly as their concerns get posted. I think he is one of the blogger company's employees. Nonetheless, he is very knowledgeable in the way Google runs blogs and how these blogs function. Chuck is more backend and Prayag is more front end.
J. Gracey Stinson:
Maybe she thinks I hate her and maybe she doesn't. Whatever the case we were having a tiny tussle on the definition of art. I defined it as physical, soft, written, and political skill. She defined it as visual creativity. In any case, she pointed out the lack of legibility of my initial webpage layout. I've also been noticing newcomers have been overlooking my older posts. Therefore, I've muted the colours and categorized my posts so my readers don't have to miss out. Her expertise is helping people with the visual layout of webpages but she also likes her photography.
Alysha + all other shoe modelists:
There are countless people I'd like to thank for giving me the benefit of the doubt and to let me take pictures of their shoes. On top of that, they were willing to pose for me. However, given the scrutiny I've faced and not to under-appreciate the others who have modeled for me, out of all of my shoe modelists, I'd have to say Alesha had the most positive impact on me. Not only did she give me some good advice, but she was sincere in posing for me. The results speak for themselves. She subscribed to my blog right away and encouraged me when I felt discouraged. She is one of the very few I'd feel 100% comfortable in seeking a repeat favour from of this sort again.
Alesha, you represent everything right about what an open-minded and helpful person should be. Thank you!!
There is another lady I'd really like to acknowledge specifically but when I asked her for a repeat favour on 3 seperate occasions, I sensed some hesitation in her voice each time. Hopefully when I post your Mizuno Wave Creations, you'd be more willing to help me out.
The Mantis:
When you finally get to see my blog, you will understand I'm referring to you. I can't believe a 19-yr-old can be smarter than many of the adults I've interacted with. The shoe has nothing to do with the person's body part. You didn't even need my blog to stand up for me in the midst of the false rumours that certain people are spreading around about me. You are very intelligent and open-minded and I hope you stay the way you are. I've rewarded you by showing you my Hallow's Eve Scowl before publishing my shoe design publically. It was meant to be a surprise.
My Friends, Family, and the Professionals:
Usually I'd address you seperately but my words would become redundant. Even though our levels of intimacy vary, you all had your way of saying the same thing to me: "You're not hurting anybody." It's been a year and I'm still hurting emotionally but at least I feel sane. This goes to show that I cannot go on this journey alone and that is why support from the people who matter is crtical.
The one person who I have to acknowlege specifically in this group is my dad. Thank you for using your similar experiences in life to give me insight on my situation. You have grown wise old man. You have grown wise...but know that Arthur will still be Arthur and I'm going to react how I'm going to react.
Amy (F.Y.F. clerk):
Thank for giving me your insight on stranger in general. Your suggestion for the business card and website really helped my confidence and my success rate for getting people to help me out has increased noticeably. I wasn't initially planning on doing more than just collect shoes and shoe pics, but now I have a new ambition. Your are very street savvy and you are very intelligent.
2k Studios:
I'd like to thank this company for embedding the "Shoe Creator" program inside their NBA video games. I'm so busy with shoe design and with my blog, I haven't even had the chance to play the actual game!! If it weren't for your little program, I don't think my blog would be complete so keep up the good work. The only criticism I have is that you have 3 less brands to choose from NBA 2K16 compared to last year's game and you have NOT provided us shoe designers with any new layers, components, and textures to further enhance our creativity. However, I'm creative enough to get by with what you've got for now.
Paint Shop Pro X8 Ultimate will help me create a more creative collage and their VideoStudio Ultimate X8.5 program helped me post my very first video with relative ease. I can't wait to see what else your software programs can do!!
My Customers:
For those who have been buying my used shoes, thank you. My shoe collection would not be as much of a success if it weren't for people like you helping me fund my hobby. Though I can't rely on this for my living income, you helped reduced some of travelling expenses and from completely throwing away money I've invested in shoes that I don't keep. I hope the shoes you've bought from me are serving you well.
If I've missed any group of people, I apologize. This list will continue to grow as I interact with more new people
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