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Sunday, March 20, 2016

PS4 Peripherals on Air Max's

With so many shoes kicking around at my place, I'm forced to put them to good use, other than wearing them.  Plus, these are too small for me anyway.  These  Women's 2012 Nike Air Max's hold my Playstation 4 camera and controller quite nicely.  :-)

Lights on..

Lights off...

Keds CA

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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Blue Volcanos

These are yet another pair of shoes designed by me from NBA 2K's Shoe Creator.  I wanted to do a theme based on clouds in the daytime sky but I couldn't get the effect I wanted because of how the layering choices blended together.  It forced me to be more creative and thus, I came up with:  "Blue Volcano".

These took me an hour and a half to complete because I had to change my mindset and I had to tweak the colours to make sure nothing stuck out like a sore thumb.  This would be a good shoe for those who are complaining about shoes looking too flashy.  These shoes are pretty toned down while maintaining some style.

So for those of you who have been itching to see more of my shoe design, I've got more coming so don't you worry!!
Keds CA

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Friday, March 11, 2016

Aqua Nikes

Someone told me yesterday that he wanted to see more of my NBA shoe design.  I agree so I shall oblige.

I designed these ones last year.  I had to wing these ones because I had to go to work.  It took me a half an hour to do.  Not bad considering most of my other design takes me over an hour.
Keds CA

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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I'm Not the Only One...

I ran into a lady clerk at a retail store who I haven't seen in a while.  I've already told her about my shoe collection hobby many months ago and thought it'd be a great time to tell her about my blog.  The surprising thing is that she too likes to take pictures of shoes, but not on the level that I do it at.

She had just gotten back from some overseas travelling and she photographed some eye-catching things, including people wearing shoes.  She figures there are a lot more people into taking pictures of shoes than we know.  To me, I happen to be the scapegoat because I actually ask people for specific poses in public places, which draws attention.

**Oops.  Attention.  I guess I'd better watch it.  That is a pretty sensative word around here these days.**

I guess I'm paving the way for future shoe photographers.  It's only weird because no one's done it the way I've done it.  (Women's) shoes are meant to attract attention and if I or anyone else comments or photo shoots your shoes, it's a compliment.  In fact, someone I used to work with also wants to take pictures of shoes now that I've complimented on her shoes.

I'm the scapegoat but someone has to set a precedent in order for something not to be seen as taboo, just like what Martin Luther King did for the African Americans (and the other colour-skinned people).  I guess you can say he fought racism and I'm fighting shoe-ism.  Ha!  That was pretty funny if I do say so myself.
Keds CA

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Ran into a High School Alumnus

*Will post pics of the shoes I bought in this article.  Stay tuned*

**Update:  Due to the insulting treatment I received from the Value Village management team, I no longer feel enthused to "show off" my shoe findings from the Nanaimo store that day**

A couple of days ago, I went into Value Village and bought a whole bunch of used runners at half price.  It still wasn't that cheap but it was good enough.  I paid for and put the shoes in my car and came back in for seconds.  That's when I ran into Paul, my former high school alumnus.

"Fancy meeting you here," he said.  We had no knowledge of each other's shoe obseessions, but mine is worse than his.  He buys them to wear.  I buy them to wear and to collect.  That's why I own both men's, women's, and kids runners.  Paul said he used to have 50 pairs of Jordans, all brand new but has dwindled down to 25 because his house got broken into.  As a shoe fanatic myself, I really felt his pain.  Believe me.  I'm almost as glad for someone being able to build their shoe collection as building one myself.  The connection I feel with these types of people is different than those who aren't shoe collectors.  Even if that person collects non-running shoes, I still admire their obsession.  While Celine Dion got bashed on social media for having 2000 pairs of shoes, I was thinking more on lines of:  "Right on, Celine!  You go girl!"

When I knew of Paul's shoe obsession, I was very anxious to show this to him.  He felt my anxiousness and thus, he became anxious to see what I've got going.  I pulled up the door hanger of shoes on my smart phone.  He had to take off his glasses and squint a couple of times before noticing:  "Holy fuck!  Those are bright!"  If he feels a little bashful about his obsession, he has nothing to worry about.  I have it way worse than he does.  :-)
Keds CA

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Boring, Yet Interesting...

The colour of these Pumas is very monotone and very bland.  Yet, somehow if you take a closer look at them, you can see that these runners can be suitable in a certain working environment.  They'd be a perfect match for daytime cuisine table & kitchen servers.  They also remind me of New York Fries but the workers are always behind the counter so it'd defeat the purpose of employees wearing these shoes to make an impression on their customers.

Keds CA

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Friday, March 4, 2016

Colourful Collection

I've compiled a huge collection of shoes over the years so what I'm about to show you doesn't even scratch the surface of what I've already got.  Here are 18 pairs of the more colourful runners I have.

Pretty cool, eh?
Keds CA

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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

NB 880 v5

On January 27, 2016, I ran into a woman carrying a front-loaded crying baby while wearing some cool New Balance shoes.  She was trying to calm down the baby so I knew I couldn't ask her for too many poses and I had to be quick.  Her hubby entered the frey and I tried to get his approval but the lady would have none of that and insisted that I do the photo shoot.  She must've been quite flattered by my request.

Here are some close up shots of these shoes:

This last pic played a huge role in delaying the posting of these close-up shots.  I had problems getting the last photo to upload in its original resolution.  Because the file size of the pic was so big, the watermarking program had to decrease the resolution to make the pic fit.  I had to import this pic into a graphics editor program to crop out the unnecessary part of the photo to make this all work.  Also, the watermarking program doesn't let you preview the text fully so I had to do a redo several times before coming with the best position for the watermarking.  I did NOT want to cut off her toddler's boot, which would've made the text positioning easier.  I think it's really cute to see just how small her kid is compared to mama.  The kid look a lot like a plush doll.

Keds CA

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