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Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Looking for Volunteers:

The one thing that makes my blog unique from any other shoe blog out there is my willingness to "embarrass" myself in public by asking strangers to model their cool shoes.  Though I've somewhat numbed myself to that experience, I still get nervous approaching people for that kind of request.

My fan base is looking for content so anyone who I've come in contact with about my blog, you know what to do.  If you or anyone you know who would like to contribute to this blog via shoe modelling, let me know.  Click on the "Collages" tab to see what I do with the shoe pics.  Some of them are pretty creative.

*I don't have a lot of collages posted so far as I'm still working on the structure of this website*

Submit Your Own Shoe Photos:

For those who can't meet up with me in person for the photo shoots, please feel free to submit some of your own cool shoes.  If you can take pictures of you wearing them, that would be ideal.  This was suggested by a clerk I did a photo shoot with.  She said it would help make my site more interactive and would make my fans feel more involved.

Please Provide Feedback:

Although I can tell there is genuine interest in my blog, I would still like to here from you.  Whether you're an athlete, a performing artist, or just merely a student, you're always going to hit a speed bump emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Having a crowd cheering you on acts as a chorus of encouraging words and sometimes that is what is needed to help lubricate the grind I experience through my downtimes.  The only stranger who really encouraged me was Alesha, who said:  "Awww, don't get discouraged!" after I made mention of some negative people I've encountered. Sometimes all it takes is that one person and her words help push me through.  Now imagine if a whole bunch of you tell me what I'm doing right and the things you like?  I'd bet you anything I'd post more frequently so please, don't underestimate the power of positive feedback.

You can leave feedback by clicking on the link that's hilighted in yellow at the bottom of each post.

Of course I don't expect everything I do to be perfect because there's always room for improvement.  However, the one type of feedback I don't care for is people telling me not to do what I'm doing (photo shoots of people's shoes) based on unsubstantiated fears & assumptions and for selfish reasons, such as jealousy (me drawing the attention away from you - talk about me instead of you).  Sorry C.K..  The world doesn't revolve around you.  People have the right to talk about whatever & whoever they want.

Don't Frame/Slander Me:

I don't appreciate people making assumptions about my intentions just b/c my hobby and requests are unique.  In fact, this blog's success is attributed to uniqueness.  I don't have any ulterior motives to take advantage of anyone with who I do shoe photo shoots.  Anyone who walks away from the photo shoot feeling worried has self-inflicted that experience onto herself.  They are just photos of shoes.  Get over it!!

Also, to C.K. and my former gym, don't attempt to allure me into troublesome situations and to exaggerate what wasn't a problem at all.  I'm pretty good at reading people now so if you want to send certain people at me to test me, I'll know right away.  I will give your business a bad review.  Leave me alone!!  This applies to anyone who wants to try this with me in the future.

To my fans & supporters, you need NOT to worry.  I apologize to my true fans for having to read about my frustrations but it's critical that I make a stand for myself!!  To be honest, I've become more fearful of the strangers who I approach than the strangers are of me - seriously!!  The gym situation really traumatized me.

Don't be so Easily Influenced:

One woman, who was one of my biggest believers in my hobby, suddenly become apprehensive with interacting with me one day, to the point where she's trying to avoid me.  I have no doubt someone used their skepticism of me to scare her.  I'm not going to say it was C.K. (or my ex-gym mgmt team) had an influence on her b/c I can only speculate, but hey.  Who can blame me for feeling this way after what they've already done to me?  However, the point I want to make is people like C.K. who go out of their way to instill unsubstantiated fears into people (myself included), has ulterior motives.

I've once read an article about women and dating by David DeAngelo.  He mentioned that when your good buddy keeps telling you "imperfect things" about the gal you're interested in, there's a good possibility that your friend wants to get you out of the way so he can have a crack at her.

That woman who had jumped off the band wagon is not my true supporter and I don't feel the need to show her my newly-built blog.  So I ask you shoe fans of mine:  "Will you all stay with me through thick and thin?"  Your support is critical in driving me to delivering unique shoe perspectives.

Support Me: 

If anyone knows of anyone spreading the bad word about what I do, please tell them to stop and to let me know about it and who said it.  I would think I have the right to defend myself.  Thanks for your assistance.
Keds CA

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