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Friday, November 20, 2015

Protecting Myself from Future Death Threats

For those who are newcomers to my blog read these posts to fully understand my situation.  The links will show in a seperate pop-up window so you won't lose your place.

I Got Framed - The Full Story 

Since My Suspension from Work - Part 1 

Since My Suspension from Work - Part 2

C.K. Make Women Look Bad

Revealing the ID of One Culprit 

C.K.'s Shoe Store 

Could've Gone to Court Too!!

Suspected "Spy"

Death-Threat Accomplice Hides Her Deficiencies

Regardless of the terrible experiences I've endured, I don't want to quit doing what I'm doing b/c of fear.  As I mentioned earlier, this blog was more forced than planned but I don't regret having it up now.  It's kind of fun to be honest with you.

It's been run across my mind that "calling out C.K." can be seen as provocation, which could lead to my actual death.  My take is if I put it out there publically, it is less likely to happen.

If I were C.K. and knowing what I know about her, how people view her is very imortant to her and she's also very self-conscious.  With people knowing my situation and the fact that I'm already highly suspicious of her acts, you know where I'm going with this.

If anything happens to me, the police would surely do an investigation on her first and who her accomplices could possibly be.  If C.K. knows that the public and I know we supect her, and if she's as self-concious as I think she is, she is not as likely to do it b/c it will harder for her to hide in the background.

I also think that as long as I do what I'm doing, C.K. will always be jealous of the attention I'm taking away from her, and thus, will always have  a grudge against me and thus, want to find a way to dissuade my hobby.  It's already been established that killing me is one way to stop me.  Even my employer supports the death threat.  That's why I'm so mad.  I don't think I should have to die just b/c I want to admire and share my hobby with other enthusiasts.  There's nothing wrong with having a shoe hobby.  It's one thing to disagree with one's likes.  It's another to kill b/c someone apppoints herself as an (attention) entitled goddess.  F-sakes!!

Keds CA

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