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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

C.K.'s Ugly Nikes

These shoes have been on the shelf for a couple of weeks now and still, no one has bought them.  I've personally never like style that much but the colours just make it even less appealing.  And guess what?  C.K., the spin instructor who has caused me so much grief, wore these for the longest time.  How do I feel about these shoes now?  They would contaminate the rest of my shoes in my collection if I had brought these home, even though these might not have worn this particular pair.

My dad said that these aren't that visually appealing to him either and said that these make him puke because it reminds him of her.  "You don't want these," he said.

I care so little about these shoes I didn't even bother to watermark these and didn't even bother to right-side-up the top image.  These are not worthy copyrighting.  You viewers can have them.

I'll bet if C.K. read this she'd send more people to my store to death threat me again.  Some believe she did what she did (kick me out of the gym and (in)directly got me in trouble at work, because I told her I wouldn't ask her for shoe photos.

First of all, you keep pissing me off by dissuading me from doing my hobby in which you have no business meddling in.  Secondly, your posture is not very feminine.  Thirdly, you told me once before your sweat stinks.  Lastly, your shoes really do suck and they suck even more b/c you have a sucky heart.  Go ahead C.K..  Come kill me and get me fired if you can't take my sarcasm!!
Keds CA

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