To make a long story short, he told me he had a plan and shut me up for 6 months but I still fully express myself b/c I was numbed by his betrayal. When I found out he had been playing me all along (stole $200 from me), I cut ties with him and we went our seperate ways. I see him often and let me tell you. His conscience is killing him to the point where he's telling other people that I'm not friends with him b/c he couldn't fulfill a certain favour on a particular day but he didn't disclose the entire story. If C.K. and the gym have consciences, I'd advise them not to talk about me anymore. They'll only make things worse for their own image...just like this trusted friend of mine did. People are slowly starting to figure him out and the same will soon apply to them!! I really don't have to do much.
Like I mentioned under "Favours", there's another side to the story. In this case there's MUCH more to the story. This individual was not far from getting himself into legal trouble. I've done my research. C.K. and the gym were also not too far-fetched from getting themselves into trouble. They're very lucky I didn't suffer significant losses. To the people who want to bestow misfortune upon me - be very careful what you wish for. One day it could backfire on you.
Anyways, this is the reason why I'm ranting so frequently. I wanted to post enough of my work to back up my concerns. What makes me furious is that certain individuals are getting in trouble for something that is not hurting them. You basically just don't agree with my hobby from a personal standpoint.
Sorry! Based on my work, what I've shown to my modelists is what they are seeing here but just in a more creative way. Are you kidding me?? Putting me through such emotional trauma just b/c I have a vision of shoes that you twisted around to make it appear I was intending to harm people! Repulsive!!
My readers are repeatedly visiting my blog and my work speaks for itself. To the people who have framed me (haven't disclosed the entire story yet), if you don't get held accountable legally, you will certainly be held accountable socially as people in time. Only then will you understand what you've put me through emotionally for the past year - and counting!!
To my readers: If you like the work you've seen from me so far and want to continue to see more, please voice your support. It's been a VERY trying year for me emotionally and I'll never fully be able to get that situation out of my mind as long as those bad people can get away with what they did. I firmly believe if you all experienced my situation, I don't think you could bite your tongue as long as I have and hold back on fully disclosure of my situation the way I have. It's very tough!!
Your continued support is paramount!!
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