I should also mention, before I forget, during the time when there was still heavy occurrences of peculiar acts towards me, there was a female couple that always lingers around me and they would often sit at the deli tables just before closing. That's right! It's adjacent to the produce dept., where I work. Besides them, I have NEVER seen any customers sit at the deli tables a half an hour before close, let alone 1 hour before close. That's all the more reason to believe there is a re-attempt to get me in trouble.
Of course, a logical personality would say that could all just be a coincidence. An intuitive person would say that all of these occurences I've mentioned are too impeccable to be coincidences. I'm a gut feel person and I've learnt that when my gut is telling me something, it's 90% accurate and that percentage will increase with more life experience. Someone or people are trying to set me up for misfortune on multiple occasions. If I've assessed my "gut" correctly, that is a 90% probability.
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