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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Joy & Conflict

This hobby brings me as much joy as it does conflict sometimes.  A psychiatric nurse made me wonder if this is all worth it.  "A hobby is supposed to make you happy," she said.  Yet, I run into a good chunk of criticism, skepticism, and slander.  Yes, slander!!  That is the one major situation I have not yet discussed.  When I figure out how to best express that situation, I will post it.  For now, all I can tell you is there are people out there who don't want people (me) to succeed.  People who do things like that to people are either insecure b/c they don't know what they're good at and thus, want to drag others down to their level of unhappiness.  They do that rather than seeing what they can do improve their skill level and themselves as individuals.

Quite frankly, there are many times when I felt like giving up my hobby but I strongly believe in what I'm doing and there are people supporting me out there.  They are not here to tell me but I can feel them, well kinda.

So is this hobby worth it?  I just settled the hubby situation and then I have to deal with the next individual doubting my shoe collection intentions.  Sometimes it feels like it never ends.  Yet, my own strong sense of artistry brings me back into my happy zone.  I hope people stop treating me so negatively so I can share something more positive more often b/c really, that's what I intend for this blog site to be all about.

For those who understand and appreciate my work, I hope it brings you joy too.  For those who prejudge and attack me all the time, get lost.  I can't produce good work when I'm upset!!
Keds CA

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