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Friday, May 13, 2016

Overall Evil-Doer Stats for the Past 23 Hrs.

So the head office customer service lady told me she has no control over how district managers treat their customers??  That is one of the major reasons why this company has so much resentment from employees and customers!!

These are the final stats yielded from the postings pertaining to the local retail store that shunned and slandered me.  This stems from 1 p.m. May 12, 2016 to 12:15 p.m., May 13, 2016.

There are a lot of people who I've shared my blog with who don't view my blog everyday.  This is NOT a full representation of my viewers.  My point I'm trying to make is, people are more responsive to negative things that happen to people more than the positives.  That is why certain companies would take people like me a lot more seriously.  A happy customer tells a few people about their shopping experience.  An angry customer will tell hundreds of thousands of people about what happened.  I'm one of those angry customers!!

I work in an workplace that truly understands and values customers and their word of mouth and I've just given a prime example of why!!  Brenda've gained absolutely nothing by laying the smackdown on me.'ve gained nothing by putting your bruised ego ahead of what could affect your store.  Congratulations!  I look forward to publishing the name of your company...especially not having heard back from either the D.M. and the H.O. lady.  You guys really don't care as much as you say you do.  Well, I'm going to do everything I can to make you care.

Keds CA

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