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Friday, May 13, 2016

Noteworthy Stats for My Evil-doers!!

You guys are great.  Viewership is what motivates me keep on going, especially the fact I'm not doing this for a living.  Thank you for showing enough interest to read about the rough terrain that I have had to travel on to get to where I am now.  You guys have also helped me out in another way:

This is an illustration of your support as soon as I post my most current obstacle with the local retailer.  The people there have not been taking me seriously and thought I was bluffing and wasn't a force to be reckoned with.  Well, you viewers have certainly helped me illustrate that my voice affect a person or company one way or another.

Look at all of your support near the end of the graph.  Wow!! and I really haven't even tried to network - like REALLY try.  My point is, you canNOT underestimate the power of social media.

The "knockout blow" still hasn't come yet.  I have yet to mention what Brenda, the D.M. did to me and the company I'm referring to.  If I'm still not taken seriously then they really don't understand the impact of word of mouth (or in this case, the dexterity in my keyboard fingers - ha!).
Keds CA

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