In order for my viewers to fully understand how I've been treated at this retail store, I will post this incident in parts so it will be easier for my readers to digest, since I'm given the long version of my story. To recap, a Nanaimo Value Village clerk did not like that I complained about his bad attitude towards me, piggy-backed on a previous slanderous claim on my hobby, which led to my eventual ban from all Value Village stores as imposed by the district manager.
Shaw Modem & Jesse St. Clair's Attitude Problem:
While I was starting my dialogue with the Shaw rep, Jesse St. Clair taps me behind the shoulder and then decides to pull up beside me on the couch, sitting uncomfortably close to me, making it very difficult for me to concentrate. I told him to leave me alone: "Do you mind? I'm on the phone!!" He reacted sarcastically: "Whoa-ho-hoooo!" and walked away, implying that I was being too sensitive.
I was on the phone for a half an hour just to be told that the modem was on a collections claim, meaning that this modem was still attached to the previous owner somehow and Shaw wants it back. I took the modem and put it in the bin located at the entrance of the warehouse so no one would get ripped off for an unusable product. Value Village does NOT allow returns for electronics-based products. All sales final for these products.
I went up to Jesse to tell him about the modem and to imply that I meant no hard feelings when I told him to go away while I was on the phone, but I guess he wasn't smart enough to draw that out of me. Instead, he brushed me off abrasively: "Not my problem!" and even told me off: "Don't go in there, okay??"
So, I had spent a half an hour working diligently with the Shaw rep only to find out the modem is no good and then I get chastised by Jesse for trying to do the right thing? I reported the situation to the floor supervisor and yet, it was put back on the shelf for sale the very next day, even though they know the product is no good. I was hungry, tired, and had my patience on the phone maxed out. I was in no mood to be given an attitude that night.
Continue on to Part 2 of the story...