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Monday, January 31, 2022

Proof of Death-Threat Couple's Affiliation

Former Nanaimo Athletic Club Owner, Mexican Dave, and former gym manager, Jane Moxam, along with the Frontrunners shoe store staff got together with a couple of my former co-workers at the Nanaimo Save-on-Foods grocery store used a death-threat tactic in an attempt to get me fired because they did not like me and my hobby.  I was first put on a one-day suspension in 2014 and then was put on suspension, disguised as a medical leave in November 2018 for standing up to a co-worker's continued (death-threat) harassment.

Read how they did it here and all the ensuing harassment that I had to endure here.  To get a really clear picture of how all of these people are interconnected, check out this illustration.

After establishing that the death-threat accomplice was no longer suited to return to Save-on-Foods as a working employee because of her narcissistic personality disorder, there has been a more urgent desire by the company to fire the death-threat manager that she teamed up with.  All that Save-on-Foods needs is a clinching piece of fact on the death-threat manager, just like the one I was able to disclose on the DTA.  Well, I'm happy to assist.  I've been saving this for the right moment.

Please take a look at these screen captures.

After the death-threat gang successfully got me suspended from work, I noticed the DTA hid her friends' list from non-friends.  Pretty strange for a narcissist to do when it's important for her to show off her popularity, and she has a huge list of Facebook friends.  Unfortunately for the DTA, the death-threat manager did not hide his friends' list.  Low & behold, they are Facebook friends.

This is a significant point because the DTM was not a very popular manager during his time at the Country Club store.  On his friends' list, the DTA was the only person from that store.  Everyone else on that list was not associated with that store at the time.  Based on all of her past behaviours leading up to the death-threat harassment and her hovering around customers who were wearing fancy-looking shoes who pass by me while at work, this just confirms and validates my suspicions of her involvement.  The death-threat couple maintained contact so they could update each other about how to further get me in trouble.

After I had notified the REAL head office people in April 2019 (not the ones the 2018 manager told) about my blog, the company did a more thorough investigation.  The 2018 manager is Facebook friends with the DTA.  No wonder I still got suspended, even though I was the victim.  Shortly after, the DTM defriended the DTA.  Another wave of investigations took place over the summer and in August 2019, the DTM was stripped of his head management duties of his then-assigned store and quickly privatized (concealed) his Facebook friends' list.

There is now no doubt that the DTA was reporting to the DTM about me all along.  There's this saying:  "Live by the sword.  Die by the sword."  If the DTA and the DTM want to conduct illegal activity together and the DTA got fired for it, the 2014 death-threat manager should also be fired.  He's both a bad man+ager.

Keds CA

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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Shoes Made from Coffee Waste & Recycled Plastic

First, shoes that are modeled from LEGO blocks.  Now, shoes made from used coffee grinds?  Whaaat??  Apparently, not only are they functional for sport and casual wear but they are waterproof and breathable at the same time.  RENS, the shoe factory, and soon-to-be clothing manufacturing company based out of Helsinki, Finland was inspired by stylish sneakers that can also be sustainable.

According to CBS News, when coffee waste decomposes, it emits methane, a greenhouse gas that is 30% more than carbon dioxide, the unwanted air that we exhale for the trees to absorb.  Check out the 55 second mark of the video link below:

With that notion, it created the RENS Nomad.  The logo pattern looks like the Asics tiger stripes.  Number sign, pound key, hashtag, or whatever you want to call it, the insignia appears to be where the RENS logo was inspired and derived from.  Look at the way the number sign is positioned on the shoe diagonally just like the tiger stripes on the Asics shoes.  They need to come up with their own logo.  What the company needs is to hire a creative (shoe) design artist.

Keds CA

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