As mentioned previously, a former co-worker of mine falsely claimed himself to be a private investigator and that his daughter was a lawyer in order to help me bring justice to this scandal that I fell victim to. Because I believed him, he cheated me out of $200. More on this here as all he was after was to poke his nose into other people's business, mine in particular.
I never ended up getting my money back and I don't ever expect to but his guilty conscience and his mischievous acts of intoxicating his former working environment got him suspended for a 6-month stretch and even ultimately being fired almost immediately after.
He now works at one of the Nanaimo 7-11 convenience stores during graveyard hours. He looks very nervous and self-conscious in his surroundings. Gee, I wonder how many other people he has cheated to make himself feel so afraid? His desires to quench his short-term satisfaction by lying and cheating people has left him losing more than the $200 he gained from me and the thrill he has gained from fooling other people. He now has a shittier pay rate with shittier work hours. It all goes to show that crime & dishonesty doesn't pay.
These attributes of his character are what he used to suck me in.
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