If this is the first blog post new readers come across, let me just recap by saying that 3 narcissists used my shoe hobby against me to get me fired, via death threat or slander. Sift through the "Thoughts" and "Stories & Incidents" tabs for full details.
When it was apparent that I was not resuming my employment with Save-on-Foods, the D.T.A. was finally held accountable. She was put on a 6-month medical leave almost immediately after. How do I know? I know because the accommodations specialist framed my assertion towards the death threat as being an unlogical psycho. This tactic was used as a "fancy" way to suspend me. The doctor suggested that I take a 6-month medical leave from work.
I have no doubt they were able to sense something amiss with her behaviour just from my complaints. The same tactic was used to keep her away from work, although this time it was justified. The D.T.A.'s usage of narcissism to avoid punishment sums up what I've been trying to say to the company leaders all along. It's too bad I didn't know of the word: "narcissism" before I have written that post. When she got back from her paid sick leave, she posted the following in her bio:
It's very unlikely that a narcissist knows (s)he is one, according to this article.
Are Narcissists Aware of Their Disorder?
Ultimately, whether a narcissist knows they are a narcissist is like asking a target of their abuse if they're aware of what made them susceptible to attracting this type of toxic individual. Most people aren't unless they’ve experienced an abusive relationship with a narcissistic individual and have begun the research that typically ensues when seeking answers about the narcissist's cruelty.However, unlike the individual who learns they have traits that make them attractive to narcissists can strive to develop healthier thoughts and habits, narcissists are not at all concerned with self-improvement…unless it’s a façade and a temporary means of reaching an end.
In short, to what extent the narcissistic individual is aware that they are disordered really depends on the gravity of their condition. But, in any case, don’t expect to get a straight answer to your question from the narcissist themselves. Their actions always speak louder than their words, and that is what you need to pay attention to.