Today, I found a woman wearing Nike Pegasus 35. The colour is called guava ice pink. Here is an example of what they look like.
Everyone makes the same pair of shoes look different. I thought the lady I saw wearing them was worth my while asking. First, I liked her "shoe" personality, and second, I wanted the photos to be my own that I post on here. I'm more prideful of the collages I compose with my own photos.
After she told me she got these from Footlocker a couple of years ago, I knew it was unlikely that I was going to see anyone wearing these again. Normally, I'd present my intentions a little bit better but I have to respect the social distancing aspect and the touching of material goods, such as my business card. Therefore, I wasn't surprised when she became reluctant to my request and that her relative consequently finalized the "no" decision for her.
As I collected my pizzas, the two women kept looking at me while I got into my car. I can see them saying something about my request to the pizza clerk who just served me. He had to come out to take a peek at her shoes. It didn't seem like my request was as big of a deal to him as it did to them. Really! They're just (pictures of) shoes and if there was some malicious intent to it, I wouldn't have asked in such a public environment.
I was really surprised that someone who likes her shoes so much would think my request is weird. In my experience, most of the people in the mid-to-lower working class who live in the "poorer" part in the neighbourhood are less understanding. I find that these types of people are not very open-minded and have not exposed themselves to a vaster variety of (sneaker) fashion.
In the end, my blog is not about making people feel uncomfortable. If the person doesn't want to pose for me, then I'm not going to be happy with the photos anyway. Better luck next shoe.