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Saturday, July 8, 2017

P*ss Adds Flavour to my Blog (final edit)

This might sound rude, but I can't help, to know this is true.  People react to negativity more strongly than they do to pleasantries.  I don't know about you, but when I have doubts of what I'm about to invest in, I look to the negative write-ups first.  Everyone seems to say the same old good things when things work out well.  However, people seem to be more specific about their displeasures when things don't go as planned.  In my case, my negative experience with some people is an example of just that. or has a glutton of feedback that will help demonstrate my point.

So what does p*ss have to do with the point I'm trying to make here?  Well, my main focus is still to showcase the elegance of how a shoe uniquely fits on each person and the artistry and the colours that go into the aesthetics of the shoes' design.  However, when dealing with people, there will always be a chance of conflict because everyone thinks and reacts differently.  This includes those who act stupidly.  Therefore, you can say:  "That p*sses me off!!"

P*ss is a form of emotion - not the straw-coloured bodily fluids our desperate full bladders anxiously await to least not in this blog.  My followers want to see me through my struggles.  They just can't wait to see what unfolds and how I go about overcoming those obstacles.  If this blog had no substance of p*ss, then no matter how much eye candy my viewers are fed, the taste to this blog would eventually become bland, and thus wouldn't be as much of a standout from the unsalted sea of other shoe sites out there.

Yes, p*ss!!  It might be a hard thing to swallow and I might not like its jet-stream of heat shot right towards my way, but when I have to defend myself from its toxins, I'm able to divert its attack and use it as fertilizer to nourish my blog's content.  So go ahead, my nay-sayers.  Keep p*ssing me off!  I'll just use that energy to my benefit at the expense of people's acts of stupidity, more often than not.  Liquid is supposed to douse these flaming annoyances and though, hot p*ss might spread them all over,  it also fuels my fire.

Oh, and that reminds me...I've spent so much time on this blog post, I almost forgot - I have to take a p*ss...aaahh!  Only my nay-sayers need to worry about my name change to Dick when it comes to the emotion of p*ss.  Pardon my p*ssy pun throughout this article.  I hope no one p*ssed their pants laughing today.

Keds CA

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