On Dec. 23rd, I saw T-Mac, C.K.'s friend and co-worker at Frontrunners, at the Bowen Road Tim Hortons for the third time since the death threat plot. I'm going to call her T-Mac for short, and no, it's not short for Tracy McGrady. The first two times she saw me, she was uncomfortable in my presence at a level that I would expect. However, the third time we saw each other there, she was EXTRA uncomfortable. It looked as though she piddled in her pants and she was self-conscious about the wet patch that people might notice. When it was her turn to order, she quietly and discreetly ordered a broccoli soup and then quickly tucked her entire presence at the other end of the service counter, completely out of my view. Let me kid you not, I wanted to get the hell out of there as soon as I could myself. She makes me sick.
Now, why is it so important for me to mention how T-Mac was feeling that day? Please refer to this post. There was a comment appended to the rant that a couple of my co-workers saw that made direct reference to me. The entire rant was taken down before it could be screen captured. Also, refer to the following snippets from a couple of my past postings:
Nov 10, 2015 ... She said they all referred to me as some "short little Asian guy". I was only in her store to buy shoes so why is she the only one trying so hard to ...wongousworks.blogspot.com
Feb 21, 2016 ... Instead, I felt racially insulted (called me a "short little Asian guy") and very insecure about myself after leaving her store. Also, if she relies on ...wongousworks.blogspot.com
T-Mac, you were there alongside with her when she made that racial comment. I came in that day to buy some Brooks Dyad 7's from you - not for you and C.K. to get nosy with my personal affairs. C.K. kept deferring to you and the other girls about what shoe modelists were saying about me. C.K. said: "Ask the girls about it." So I asked you, T-Mac about how they were feeling and you said: "Doubt." Is that what C.K. was making such a big fuss about is that they had their doubts??
Anyway, this was the original rant:
And the comment that drew the ire of my friend said this: "We know of some Asian guy who works at ______ that does this." Take a look at who is a member of the Rant & Rave group. Pfff-ahhhck!!
How do you know where I work and why is it such a big deal to refer to me as an "Asian guy?" Why were you extra nervous in my presence last week? Listen T-Mac. My main focus all along was on C.K. but if you want to imply your involvement in & knowledge of her death threat plot, so be it. I'm going to discourage people from going to ANY Frontrunners stores. They're all run under the same umbrella of people anyway.
My Thoughts:
We all know how I feel C.K. and her accomplices and how much of a challenge it is for me to move on from all of this. However, this type of behaviour doesn't show me any reason for me to change how I feel about you and it doesn't reflect well on you and the store you represent, especially if you're trying to sell your brand as a community contributor. You are trying to jump on any negativity directed towards me and I know not everyone is going support me (people like you). My hobby is subjective and I leave it up to people to either like it or not. However, there is no grey area in an act of crime. It is either legal or it's not. Uttering death threats is illegal and could've landed you a criminal record had I known my rights. Perhaps you should focus on cleaning up your image by checking your egos at the door, rather than being mad at me being mad at you!!
Keep an eye out in the comment section of this post. I've got some insight to share with you. Scroll past the white LiveFyre block to see it.
Update: Jan. 16, 2017
This has been brought to my attention this morning:
Keep an eye out in the comment section of this post. I've got some insight to share with you. Scroll past the white LiveFyre block to see it.
Update: Jan. 16, 2017
This has been brought to my attention this morning:
That prompted me to revisit T-Mac's profile on the Rant & Rave group:
Look! It no longer states she "works" for Frontrunners. Either she saw that I've taken notice of her profile and detached herself from that name or she actually doesn't work for that business anymore. Anyways, I think she knows she garnering more attention than she wanted by trying to stop me from being a shoe photographer. Stupid!!
I also want to say, you can hide behind friends, a phone call to my manager, or even behind a rant & rave group that I'm not a member of, but you can never hide from your conscience. The fake pro almost got burned because his conscience finally caught up to him.