I need some time to gather my thoughts so please do revisit this post. In the meantime, do you remember how I "Caught My Slanderer Red-Handed?" Apparently, there was more than just T-Mac who jumped on the slander bandwagon.
Foe - H.B.:
A couple of days before I saw T-Mac at Tim Horton's, this clerk from the RR shoe store came into my workplace...with - a - friend!! Ever since I've complained to the Running Room D.M. about her inappropriate behaviour to make up store rules because she didn't like me asking her sister for shoe photos, she's held a long grudge towards me. She gave me dirty looks in and out of my store. If she was shopping in my store, and if I was nearby, she would abruptly turn away all pissy, making a bee-line towards the self-checkout.
It's got to make me wonder why she came in shopping with a friend, looking at me with a faint, observing grin on her face. Surely it wasn't because she was flirting with me or has "forgiven" me. At that time, I had no idea K.D.A. had slandered me online but I knew something wasn't right. As it had turned out, my hunch was right.
It's been over a year since I've posted the K.D.A. warning and I haven't heard anything from you regarding your antics towards me, so I will leave things at that. However, if your initials start and end with the letters H.B., you'd better hope my other foes don't do something that pisses me off, that has any connections pointing back to you. Otherwise, I will disclose your name in full. Do you understand?!!
One thing I would like to say to you H.B. is that assuming you've read my blog, you should have a pretty good understanding of why I went to your D.M.. I was just starting to get over the death threat situation and you had to reopen up that wound again. Not only was it ill-timed, but I really felt insulted how you played with my mind and how you mocked me. I was just in your store to get some water - not to be mind-played by your nonsense.
If you don't want me to approach your sister about her shoes, then just say so. I would have respected that. Instead, you over-exaggerated the customers' concerns towards me and you made up store rules that you have no business in doing. How I interact with others should be separate from my interaction with you and your sister. You just did exactly what C.K. and my co-worker did to me that pissed me off so badly. Take away the death threat, and your act is not that much less disgraceful than the act put on by C.K.'s camp.
Don't be mad at me for being mad at you. You will never understand the shit I've endured. Do not take pleasure in my ill emotions right now. As long as I hold on to this resentment, there's always a chance I'll reveal any of your names in full, if not later rather than sooner.
Foe - K.D.A:
Speaking of K.D.A., I'm sure you readers went to a couple of the Nanaimo Rant & Rave FaceBook groups to check out who I'm talking about. Well, she has since removed herself as a member from both of those groups. If she doesn't bother me again, there'd be no need for me to reveal her full identity. That embarrassment serves as adequate accountability in my books (for the time being).
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